Client Forms

Anesthesia Consent Form

Save time at your pet’s surgery appointment! Complete your required anesthesia consent form online before your visit.

Anesthesia Consent Form

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit.

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All pets need a 12 hour fast prior to surgery. Please do not feed your pet breakfast the day of the procedure.

Pre-Anesthetic Blood Work

Pre-anesthetic blood work checks internal organ functions and is a vital part of safe anesthesia. Help us provide the best level of care for your pet by choosing to perform blood work prior to anesthesia or sedation.

Intravenous (IV) Fluid Support During Anesthesia

IV Catheter placement and administration of IV fluids during anesthesia helps maintain blood flow to the organs and keeps blood pressure normal. IV fluid support greatly increases the safety of anesthesia.

*Please note some procedures and conditions will need additional IV fluid support for longer periods of time which will be at additional cost. Your pet’s veterinarian may require IV fluids for anesthesia (most commonly in geriatric patients or debilitated patients).

Laser Procedures (Spay, Neuter, Mass Removal, etc.)

The benefits of laser include: decreased pain and reduced bleeding/blood loss. *This is an additional cost- ranging from $84 to $460. Please call if you wish to know the specific amount based on the procedure being performed.*

I understand that unforeseen conditions may be revealed during the procedures that may require more extensive or different treatments. I understand that all reasonable efforts will be made to contact me to authorize any additional treatments. However, if these efforts are unsuccessful, I authorize the performance of any procedures or treatments that are deemed immediately necessary for the health and wellbeing of my pet in the professional opinion of the attending veterinarian.

I understand that I assume financial responsibility for all services rendered.

The veterinarian has described the procedures identified in the consent form and has explained to my satisfaction the purpose for performing them and the risks involved with them. I realize that there can be no guarantee as to the outcome of any procedures.

I hereby authorize anesthesia/surgery for my pet. I understand that some risks always exist with anesthesia and/or surgery. My signature on this consent form indicates that any questions have been answered to my satisfaction. While KM Regional Veterinary Hospital provides the highest quality of anesthesia monitoring and surgical services, I understand that there are rare complications associated with any anesthetic or surgical procedure. In particular, I have been advised that there is an extremely small risk of death, complications, or side effects every time an anesthetic is used and that I have been advised of the possibility. I acknowledge these risks and understand that the veterinarians and hospital staff will try to minimize such risks. I will not hold KM Regional Veterinary Hospital, the veterinarians, or any staff member liable for any complications that may arise.

Clear Signature